11616 - Roman Numerals

Difficulty : easy

Solution Description :

Number conversion problem

Very easy problem but you need to spend time to code

If input is decimal format then convert to Roman
If input is Roman format then convert to Decimal

In Decimal to Roman conversion
You need to check
If n>=1000 -> add 'M'  m=(n/1000) times & n = n - m*1000
If n>=900 -> add 'CM' & n = n - 900
If n>=500 -> add 'D' & n = n - 500
If n>=400 -> add 'CD' & n = n - 400
If n>=100 -> add 'C' m=(n/100) times & n = n - m*100
If n>=90 -> add 'XC' & n = n - 90
If n>=50 -> add 'L' & n = n - 50
If n>=40 -> add 'XL' & n = n - 40
If n>=10 -> add 'X' m=(n/10) times & n = n - m*10
If n==9 -> add 'IX' & n = n - 9
If n>=5 -> add 'V' & n = n - 5
If n==4 -> add 'IV' & n = n - 4
If n>=1 -> add 'I' m=(n/1) times & n = n - m*1

In Roman to Decimal conversion
You need to check each character
If ch=='C' then check next character ch2=='M' -> add 900  or ch2=='D'
->add 400 otherwise -> add 100
If ch=='X' then check next character ch2=='C' -> add 90 or ch2=='L'
->add 40 otherwise -> add 10
If ch=='I' then check next character ch2=='X' -> add 9 or ch2=='V' ->
add 4 otherwise -> add 1
If ch=='M' -> add 1000
If ch=='D' -> add 500
If ch=='L' -> add 50
If ch=='V' -> add 5