11247 - Income Tax

Difficulty : easy

Solution Description :

Ad hoc math problem

Suppose Ans is A
Input M and x
100 BDT pay Tax= x
1     BDT pay Tax= x/100
A    BDT pay Tax= x*A/100

From problem description you can got
M-1 = A - x*A/100
=> M-1 = (100*A - x*A)/100
=> (M-1)*100 = 100*A - x*A
=> (M-1)*100 = A*(100-x)
So, A = (M-1)*100/(100-x)
You got ans using this equation
But when x=100 then you got divide by zero error
this time ans is "Not Found"

the ans must be less than (M-1)*100/(100-x)
i.e if M=20 and x=10
then A =  21.111111111 so the ans is 21
if M=20 and x=99
then A = 1900 so then ans is 1899

Remember another thing if ans is less than or equal M then print "Not Found"
use data type long long